Meet Our Lead Pastor, Jody Kilburn

Pastor Jody grew up in Southern Illinois. He became a Christ-follower at age 6 and surrendered to full-time ministry when he was 31. Pastor Jody earned a Bachelor of Science from Austin Peay State University of Tennessee and an M.Div. equivalent in Christian Ministry from Union University in Tennessee. Pastor Jody is a Master Aviator and combat veteran who retired from the United States Army, where he served 21 years as an Attack Helicopter Instructor Pilot & Master Gunner. He is the former senior pastor of First Baptist Woodlawn, TN, former Associational Mission Strategist (AMS) of Christian County, KY, a Certified Church Consultant, and a North American Mission Board (SEND NETWORK) church planter.
In September 2021, he began serving as the lead pastor of Real Life Church Hollister. Our family of faith has responded enthusiastically to his giftedness in evangelism, discipleship, and Bible-centered preaching. His heart and vision have shaped Real Life to become a place that reaches Hollister, Southwest Missouri, North America, and the world for Jesus Christ.
He and his wife, Parri, have two grown children, Jacob (Alyna) and Madison (Codie).