Our vision is to partner with you to help your kids belong to Jesus, believe in Jesus, & serve Jesus. We believe investing in the next generation is a priority & we work hard to create safe environments where kids will have a blast as they hear and respond to God’s love through His Word in ways they can comprehend. Real Life Kids are for children ages 3 and potty trained to 6th grade. All of the class teachers are carefully screened and background checked. Connect Hour Sunday morning starts at 9:15. After Connect Hour please pick your children up and enjoy worshiping with them. The children are released for Children’s Church after the worship music. Wednesday evenings begin at 6:30. Below is a description of the curriculum Real Life uses.
Real Life Kids Connect Hour – Sundays @ 9:15AM
3’s – Pre-K and K-4th grade
In Winter 2024-25, kids and preschoolers will learn that Jesus’ birth was all part of God’s plan to send the Savior of the world. They will then focus on prayer and begin to understand that God hears His people. They will also think about how to treat others and the responsibilities and consequences related to those choices. Featured stories include:?
- Prophecy of a Son
- Jesus and the Teachers
- King David Thanked God
- People Praised God
- Nehemiah Rebuilt Jerusalem’s Wall
- And more!
As preschoolers and kids grow in God’s Word, they will hear about these concept areas from the Levels of Biblical Learning: Jesus, Salvation, God, and People.
Real Life Kids Children’s Church – Sundays @ 10:45AM
K – 3rd grade ~ Children will join the adults in the Sanctuary during Worship and will be dismissed for Children’s Church after the music. The 3’s-Pre-K will go straight to their class when arriving to church.
Jesus was the master at using creative objects—like coins, fish, and lilies—to connect eternal truths to everyday life. With the Hands-On Bible Curriculum, kids experience the same powerful connections between Scripture and everyday life by engaging all five of their senses. The Bible comes alive!
Real Life Kids – Wednesdays @ 6:30PM

3’s – Pre-k and K – 4th grade
Joseph is one of the most studied and treasured Bible Heroes. His lived a life of extremes. He began as the favorite son, then wound up in the pit. He went from the pit to being a servant in Potiphar’s house. Just when things seemed to be looking up, he is falsely accused and imprisoned.
In prison, Joseph is faithful to God and to his calling as a servant. He is shown favor by God and finds himself eventually going from the prison to the second highest position in the country of Egypt. How does this young man handle these ups and downs? How does he respond to failure, success, and temptation?
In this series, we study the life of Joseph to help us understand how God can work through even life’s toughest circumstances. Every lesson follows Joseph’s life – from the dream to reality.
We hope you enjoy this intensive look into the young man who went from the pit to the palace all in one lifetime.