Church 101- The first step in Real Life’s Growth Track
What does it look like to follow Jesus, connect to his family, and make a formal commitment to become part of Real Life Church?
That’s what this video series is designed to teach
Welcome to Real Life’s Growth Track – Church 101: Follow
You are welcome to download the student guide, watch these videos, and then prayerfully decide to sign the Membership Covenant on your own, with your small group, or as part of our Growth Track classes.
The instructions are simple…
1. Click here to download the printable student guide so you can follow along.
2. Watch each video below, in order.
3. Use the form at the end to indicate your commitment to Real Life’s Membership Covenant.
2. Watch each video below, in order.
3. Use the form at the end to indicate your commitment to Real Life’s Membership Covenant.
The Membership Covenant
There are three requirements to be a member of Real life:
1. Having a relationship with Jesus by receiving Him as Forgiver and Leader.
2. Having been baptized as a believer by immersion by a Bible-believing church.
3. Having completed this membership class and signed the Membership Covenant.
2. Having been baptized as a believer by immersion by a Bible-believing church.
3. Having completed this membership class and signed the Membership Covenant.
The Membership Covenant clarifies the responsibilities of membership at Real Life. Membership is less about rights and privileges and more about our shared responsibility to fulfill the Great Commission and Great Commandment together. It reads as follows…