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It is Jesus’ church that he loves and gave his life for (Ephesians 5:25). It is Jesus’ church that he intends to powerfully display his glory through (Ephesians 3:20-21). It is Jesus’ church that he has promised to build (Matthew 16:18). And as followers of Jesus, WE ARE THE CHURCH! In a culture that is dominated by consumerism and individualism, a commitment to a local church shines brightly as a counter cultural expression of hope and invites those around us to consider that there may be something more valuable worth living for. Let’s be the church. Let’s go all in, commit, and shine brightly.
If you desire to become a member of Real Life, we invite you to attend Growth Track. At Growth Track, you’ll have an opportunity to hear more about what Real Life is all about, you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and you’ll have an opportunity to sign our membership covenant.
If you are interested in attending our next Growth Track, click HERE to register.